HOAPS: Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data

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HOAPS: Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data
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The Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data (HOAPS) set is a satellite-based climatology of precipitation, evaporation and freshwater budget (evaporation minus precipitation) as well as related turbulent heat fluxes and atmospheric state variables over the global ice free oceans. All variables are derived from SSM/I passive microwave radiometers, except for the SST, which is taken from AVHRR measurements. The data set includes multi-satellite averages, inter-sensor calibration, and an efficient sea ice detection procedure. All HOAPS products have global coverage, i.e., within ±180° longitude and ±80° latitude and are only defined over the ice-free ocean surface. The products are available as monthly averages and 6-hourly composites on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatial resolution of 0.5° x 0.5° degrees.

Please cite data sources, following the data providers' instructions
Suggested Data Citation
  1. Fennig, Karsten; Andersson, Axel; Bakan, Stephan; Klepp, Christian-Phillip; Schröder, Marc (2012): Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data - HOAPS 3.2 - Monthly Means / 6-Hourly Composites. Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring. DOI:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/HOAPS/V001. http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/HOAPS/V001

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Hosted Climate Index Files
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Acknowledgement of any material taken from or knowledge gained from this page is appreciated:

National Center for Atmospheric Research Staff (Eds). Last modified "The Climate Data Guide: HOAPS: Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data.” Retrieved from https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/climate-data/hoaps-hamburg-ocean-atmosphere-parameters-and-fluxes-satellite-data on 2025-03-09.

Citation of datasets is separate and should be done according to the data providers' instructions. If known to us, data citation instructions are given in the Data Access section, above.

Acknowledgement of the Climate Data Guide project is also appreciated:

Schneider, D. P., C. Deser, J. Fasullo, and K. E. Trenberth, 2013: Climate Data Guide Spurs Discovery and Understanding. Eos Trans. AGU, 94, 121–122, https://doi.org/10.1002/2013eo130001

Key Figures

Climate Data Guide Image: HOAPS-3: Annual mean freshwater flux (E-P) for 2005.

HOAPS-3: Annual mean freshwater flux (E-P) for 2005. (Climate Data Guide; D. Shea)

Other Information

Years of record
Data time period extended
Climatology, Sub-daily, Monthly, Pentad
Input Data

SSM/I passive microwave radiometers, except for the SST, which is taken from AVHRR

Vertical Levels:
Missing Data Flag
Missing data present
Ocean or Land
Ocean Only
Spatial Resolution

0.5 x 0.5

Model Resolution (reanalysis)
Data Assimilation Method
Model Vintage (reanalysis)