Randolph Glacier Inventory data base of global glacier outlines

The Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI) is a global data base of glacier outlines. It is intended for estimates of ice volume and glacier mass at regional and global scales. The data are organized into 19 large regions, with a shapefile provided for each region. The RGI is produced as part of the Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) initiative, a project to compile glacier information using remote sensing, primarily from optical instruments such as ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and reflection Radiometer).
Key Strengths
One of the most comprehensive and up-to-date inventories of world glaciers; contains approximately 682,605 km^2 of glacier area
The glacier outlines can be combined with DEMs to give areas, area distributions and area-elevation distributions
Key Limitations
Lacks glacier IDs and other metadata found in other inventories
Glaciers on the periphery of Greenland and Antarctica are included but it is sometimes ambiguous whether they are part of the ice sheets
Scaling glacier observations to contributions to sea level requires accounting for unobserved glaciers, as well as empirical or modeled relationships between a glacier's area and its volume, mass or mass balance
Register with PIs on GLIMS website. No redistribution.
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National Center for Atmospheric Research Staff (Eds). Last modified "The Climate Data Guide: Randolph Glacier Inventory data base of global glacier outlines.” Retrieved from https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/climate-data/randolph-glacier-inventory-data-base-global-glacier-outlines on 2025-03-09.
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Acknowledgement of the Climate Data Guide project is also appreciated:
Schneider, D. P., C. Deser, J. Fasullo, and K. E. Trenberth, 2013: Climate Data Guide Spurs Discovery and Understanding. Eos Trans. AGU, 94, 121–122, https://doi.org/10.1002/2013eo130001
Other Information
ASTER imagery